The Dark Pearl Chronicles 1.1: Battle of the Half-Brothers Read online

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  AUSTIN: I'm afraid I was involved in that, which is why we need to get out of here.

  DEREK: Oh great. We're going to have the police after us now.

  AUSTIN: Not if we get out of here, let's go!

  (The two go running from the store.)

  DEREK: Wait what about the chips?

  AUSTIN: Forget the chips! Let's go!

  (Pete, Cole, and Josh are standing in the middle of the mess as Pete is writing the manager a check.)

  PETE: Thank you so much, sir, for cooperating and not calling the authorities.

  MANAGER: No, thank you, Mister Walsh, for being so kind as to pay for this mess.

  PETE: Well, I was responsible. (Rips the check from the book and hands it to the manager. The manager looks at the check, smiles, and walks away.)

  JOSH (to Pete): You're just like my brother Derek. You just throw money at problems.

  PETE: Well, I'm not sure how to take that.

  JOSH: I didn't mean that offensive, Pete. I was just saying you pay your way out of predicaments.

  PETE: Well, I get monthly checks from the government for my ideas, so I mean I'm pretty well-known and can do that.

  COLE: Wait. What kind of ideas?

  PETE: I can proudly say I have designed 85 percent of the government's gadgets.

  COLE: Oh, wow. That is impressive.

  JOSH: Well, Derek just blows money from our inheritance from our parents.

  PETE: What about your part of the inheritance?

  JOSH: Austin and I didn't get any part of it. Well, Austin wasn't my mom's child in the first place, but anyways our parents thought of our jewels as our inheritance so they gave Derek all the money and possessions.

  PETE: Ah, I see.

  JOSH: Yeah. And they had so much money paid to them for their "duties" that they had enough for Derek to live as extravagantly as he wanted for the rest of his life. That's why he doesn't have a job, and more than likely the reason he's so irresponsible.

  COLE: Wow. That must be a lot of money.

  JOSH: Definitely. Luckily his girlfriend Brooklyn doesn't let that get to her head, even though she does want him to buy her a ring.

  COLE: An engagement ring, I presume?

  JOSH: Yes.

  PETE: My condolences for interrupting, but do you happen to know Brooklyn's last name?

  JOSH: Yes, it's Word.

  PETE: Brooklyn Word, eh?

  JOSH: Yes, do you know her or something?

  (Pete encounters a flashback of his high school days. A young Pete is standing in the hall staring sadly at a poster displaying "Washington High Prom: Don't Miss It!" He sees a very beautiful girl walking down the hallway and approaches her.)

  YOUNG PETE: Brooklyn, I need to ask you something.

  YOUNG BROOKLYN: Well, please hurry. Derek is walking over here.

  YOUNG TIFFANY: Oh, here he comes! He's so dreamy!

  (Young Derek shoves Pete over and he falls against the locker and hits the floor.)

  YOUNG DEREK: Hey Tiffany, you're going to prom with me, alright?

  YOUNG TIFFANY (excitedly): Oh my goodness, Brooklyn, did you hear that?

  (Pete tries to speak up but Derek kicks him in the chest.)

  YOUNG DEREK: Shut up, nerd!

  YOUNG BROOKLYN: So, Derek, I kind of wanted to go to prom with you.

  YOUNG DEREK: No problem, baby. You can both go with me.


  VOICE: Pete. Pete. Pete! Can you hear me?

  (Pete starts to come back.)

  COLE: Pete! There you are! Are you okay?

  PETE: Yes, I'm fine.

  JOSH: So, did you say you knew Brooklyn?

  PETE: Oh, no. I was just thinking of someone else.

  (The three walk off.)

  (Back at Derek's. Derek and Austin walk in the door.)

  DEREK: That was close.

  (Brooklyn walks up.)

  BROOKLYN: Are you okay? You both sound like you ran a marathon.

  AUSTIN: We feel like it, too.

  BROOKLYN: Why would you do that? I thought you two were going shopping. You know, for jewelry.

  DEREK: Well, let's just say Austin had a little run-in before we got there.

  BROOKLYN: Oh no. I'm sorry.

  AUSTIN: I think someone's just upset that she didn't get her ring.

  BROOKLYN: Actually no, I'm not. I know Derek loves me, ring or not.

  AUSTIN: Okay, it's getting a little too mushy for me in here.

  BROOKLYN: I'm sorry, Austin. So who was your run-in with-was it Shawn?

  DEREK: Worse. It was Josh and his friends again.

  BROOKLYN: Oh, no. Did you get ganged up on, Austin?

  AUSTIN: Please. You say that as if you don't know who I am.

  BROOKLYN: I'm confused.

  DEREK: Austin, maybe you shouldn't say so much. (Gestures his own collar)

  AUSTIN (checking to make sure his necklace is still under his shirt): All I'm saying is that I can hold my own against Josh and his "gang". Remember, I'm the only bad boy in this town.

  BROOKLYN: I remember when Derek used to say the same thing.

  AUSTIN: Did he get beat up?

  DEREK: Ha! As if! I've never lost a fight!

  BROOKLYN: No, he met someone who loved him and quit being such a bad boy. (Blows a kiss at Derek)

  DEREK: This is true. I used to be a player too. (To Brooklyn) Remember when I tried to take you and that other girl to that same prom?

  BROOKLYN: I do. I even told you I'd go with you.

  AUSTIN: What happened?

  BROOKLYN: Well, I've told you before I don't like girls who share their boyfriends, and I realized that I was doing that myself, so I broke up with Derek.

  AUSTIN: Wow! Really?

  DEREK: She did. It was then that I realized what I was missing and quit being a player. You just wait, Austin. It'll happen to you too.

  AUSTIN: I doubt that.

  DEREK: Okay, well maybe not then, if you're so sure.

  (Back at Pete's.)

  PETE: Okay, so we've got to implement a plan.

  JOSH: To be honest, it sounds like all hope is lost.

  COLE: You can't say that, Josh. It's been proven that a discouraged person will lose almost every battle they get into. You must have confidence.

  PETE: Your friend is right, Josh.

  JOSH: I'm sorry. You're both right.

  PETE: We need to figure out a way to stop Cole's fate from being the same as the rest of your friends'.

  COLE: Please do.

  PETE: Hang on; I think I have an extraordinary idea.

  SCENE: The next day at school: Mister Lewis's class.

  MR. LEWIS: Well, this is awkward. I've never had three students missing from my class.

  AUSTIN: You're right. It's usually more.

  (The class all laughs.)

  MR. LEWIS: Silence! Silence, you all! You're just a bunch of hooligans.

  (To Austin) And to you, Mister Jones, I will sentence you to-

  (Austin goes into his mind.)

  MR. LEWIS: An A on your homework assignment. You're such a great student, Austin.

  (Austin slouches with a smug grin on his face.)

  JOSH: But, Mister Lewis! He didn't even do his homework. I would know because he never does!

  MR. LEWIS (still controlled by Austin): Silence, ye hooligan! You will have after school detention for back talking me!

  JOSH: Mister Lewis, I really can't today... I have-well a family thing.

  AUSTIN: He's lying! We do not have a family thing.

  JOSH: Shut up, Austin! It's on my mom's side.

  AUSTIN: Mister Lewis, do you hear him lying to your face to get out of trouble?

  MR. LEWIS: Indeed I do. (Bell rings to leave) Josh, you will stay here for thirty minutes.

  AUSTIN (walking by Josh): See ya, loser. Next time use a better excuse.

  JOSH: Leave me alone.

  (Austin walks outside and spots Cole talking to the chess club. He gets a smug look o
n his face but sees Derek waiting in his car.)

  AUSTIN (walking over to Derek): Hey, I have to go to the restroom for a second.

  DEREK (getting out of his car): Oh, it's cool. I was going for a walk anyways. I haven't walked your school's track since I was in high school.

  AUSTIN: Go ahead, but don't get caught.

  (The two walk separate ways.)

  (A few feet away. Cole is talking to the chess club.)

  COLE: ...and that's why I think John should be the VP instead of Ronald.

  NERD: I completely agree. Ronald is no good at the exquisite sport of chess.

  COLE: Yes, he doesn't even see chess as a sport, when clearly it exercises your brain.

  VOICE: Psst.

  COLE: What?

  NERD: I didn't say anything.

  COLE: I wasn't talking to you. I hear someone beckoning me.

  (He looks over the nerd's shoulder and sees someone behind a corner, waving him over.)

  COLE: Excuse me. I think I saw Ms. Curran. You know I can't keep her waiting. She hates to wait.

  (Cole walks around the corner and sees a dark figure with the Dark Pearl.)

  COLE: Well, you're not Ms. Curran at all. You're not even a woman. (Studies harder) Wait a minute, you're-(gets interrupted by getting sucked into the Pearl. The figure walks away.)

  (At the track.)

  AUSTIN (jogging toward Derek): Sorry, bro. I really had to go.

  DEREK (covered in sweat): It's alright, bro. I know how it is. You ready to go? I can't wait to show you what I got!

  AUSTIN: The new Halo 6? Because if it's that you're showing the wrong brother.

  DEREK: No, don't worry, Austin, although you may have the same amount of enthusiasm.

  AUSTIN: So you're saying it's boring.

  DEREK: Well, not exactly.

  (They get in the car and pull off)

  (The car pulls up to Derek's house. Derek is running to the house, with Austin walking slowly behind.)

  DEREK: Hurry, Austin!

  AUSTIN: I'm coming, Derek, why so energetic? You act like you're going on your first date.

  DEREK: No, it's just really important. (Derek runs in the house and begins to put on a suit.)

  AUSTIN: You taking Brooklyn out or something?

  DEREK: Not exactly.

  AUSTIN: Okay, well, am I supposed to go with you or something?

  DEREK: Oh, no. you stay here. This is just for Brooklyn and me. (He pulls a small box from the jacket pocket.)

  AUSTIN: Ohhh... well congrats in advance.

  DEREK: Actually, maybe you should come. You wouldn't want to miss it, would you?

  AUSTIN: Actually, I would. So I think I'll stay here. Say, where is Brooklyn?

  DEREK: She's already there. That's why I'm in such a rush. (Runs out the door.)

  (Austin looks down and spots Derek's wallet)

  AUSTIN (to himself): Well, if this was Josh's I would definitely be stealing his money. Luckily for Derek I have more respect for him than that. (Yelling toward Derek) Hey! You forgot your-(Derek slams the door and leaves.)

  AUSTIN (to himself): Crap. Now I have to go chase him down. (Looks at closet) Well, if I'm going to be there for the proposal, I might as well look nice.

  SCENE: Pete's house.

  JOSH (looking at phone): Hey, Pete, I just got a text from my brother.

  PETE: Watch out, it could be dangerous.

  JOSH: I was talking about Derek, but I guess you're still right, seeing how he's so irresponsible. He's liable to say anything.

  PETE: What's it say?

  JOSH (reading from phone): It says "Meet me at Mozzarella John's. I'm proposing to Brooklyn-don't miss it!" (To Pete) That's weird, but this is important to Derek. Should we go?

  PETE (to himself): Oh no. I can't let him propose to my beloved Brooklyn. I must stop them.

  JOSH: Hello? Earth to Pete! You there?

  PETE: Yes, yes. Of course I'm here. Yes, we shall go at once.

  But be careful. Remember, Derek is also Austin's brother, so be prepared for battle.

  JOSH: Thanks for reminding me.

  (The two leave.)

  (Austin is dressed in a suit and walking out the door.)

  AUSTIN: I sure wish I could whistle. Of all the abilities I have the one thing I can't do is whistle. And that's too bad because I'd be whistling down the sidewalk. Wait, who talks to themselves? I feel like I'm going crazy. For some reason my adrenaline is up. Ugh... I'll just listen to music. (Puts headphones in his ears) Ah... better.

  (Pete and Josh are walking down the sidewalk.)

  JOSH (pointing to alley): Hang on, I know a shortcut. We wouldn't want to miss it.

  PETE: I don't think we should go down that alley.

  JOSH: Oh, come on.

  SCENE: Mozzarella John's. Brooklyn is sitting alone at a table outside.

  WAITER: Can I get you anything, madam?

  BROOKLYN: Oh, no thank you. I'm waiting for my boyfriend Derek. He should be here in a few minutes. (Speaking to woman at the next table) Do you think this dress is pretty? My boyfriend told me to wear something pretty. Do you think he means anything by that?

  (The woman just rolls her eyes and looks away.)

  BROOKLYN (to herself): Well, some people are just plain rude. Oh well, I shouldn't let people get me down. (Smiling)

  SCENE: Alley.

  PETE: This is a little dark, don't you think?

  JOSH: Oh come on, Pete; don't tell me you're scared.

  PETE: Well, no, I just-(gets hit in the head from behind and faints)

  JOSH: Pete!

  SCENE: Mozzarella John's. A taxi drives up and stops near Brooklyn's table. Derek tips the driver and gets out of the back.

  BROOKLYN: Oh, Derek! You look so nice!

  DEREK: Why, thank you, sweetie, you look very beautiful. Why don't we go ahead and order?

  (Austin is walking down the sidewalk. He's rapping to the beat of his iPod.)

  AUSTIN (unplugs headphones): Almost there. Maybe Derek hasn't embarrassed himself yet. He owes me.

  SCENE: Mozzarella John's.

  DEREK (feeling back pocket): Oh, no. I think I forgot my wallet.

  BROOKLYN: Oh, no.

  (Derek spots Austin on the other side of the street, holding up his wallet)

  DEREK: Hey, look! Austin's got it.

  BROOKLYN (jokingly): Well, at least one of you is responsible.

  DEREK: That's not funny. (Laughing)

  (Austin crosses the street in a hurry.)

  AUSTIN (handing Derek the wallet): Oh, nice. Mozzarella John's. Don't mind if I do.

  DEREK: Hey, Austin. I meant you could come by later, you know, after we eat. I wasn't expecting to pay for your meal, too.

  AUSTIN: Ha! Um... I think you owe me, bro. Now, you can pay for my food, or I'll take that wallet back.

  DEREK: All right, bro. You can sit.

  BROOKLYN: Wait, what's this talk about after the meal? What's going on?

  DEREK (looking back and forth from Austin to Brooklyn): Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag. I have a proposal for the both of you.

  AUSTIN: Wait, both of us? I know you're not about to ask me-

  DEREK: Shhh, don't spoil it, Austin. And no, I'm not asking you the same thing.

  AUSTIN: Good.

  BROOKLYN: Okay, I'm confused.